Thursday, August 18, 2022

DuPont State Recreational Forest - Lake Imaging loop - mushroom walk

Chicken on the Wood


 Amanita jacksonii, or commonly called American Caesar

1 - "The strange and alien look of the mushroom as it grows from this volval sac is striking and really stands out in the woods."

2 - "Within a day or two the Amanita jacksonii grows to sometimes almost a foot in height, the red becomes a lighter orange around the rim, and the “striations” along the rim of the cap become very pronounced, another important marker to help identify this mushroom."

Looking at the stem of this mushroom - this is not  Amanita jacksonii or American Caesar's Amanita

Orange Spindle Coral mushroom

Bolete mushrooms

Old Man of the Woods - black mushroom with crusty top

Indian Pipe / Ghost Plant
Black Staining Polypore

Spiny Puffball