Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Two churches on Archdale Street in Charleston: Unitarian Church and St. John's Lutheran Church

On the Archdale  Street in Charleston two 18 century churches are located very close to each other. Two church's cemeteries are connected by a small gate.
They are: The Unitarian Church and St. John's Lutheran Church.

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                          Saint John's Lutheran Church on Archdale Street  in Charleston

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Unitarian Church in Charleston

Unitarian Church in Charleston and its graveyard.
Two last photos show the church from the graveyard of the St. John's Lutheran Church.

Unitarian  Kościół  w Charleston i jego cmentarz.
Dwa ostatnie zdjęcia pokazują ten kościół od strony cmentarza sąsiedniego luterańskiego kościoła Sw.Jana.

The remarkable interior of the Unitarian Church was created by the architect Francis D. Lee in 1854. The ceiling of the nave was covered with the folding fans. This interior is considered to be the best work of its kind in the country. It was modeled on the Henry VII chapel at Westminster Abbey.

Niezwykłe wnętrze kościoła Uniterialnego zostało stworzone przez architekta Francis D. Lee w 1854 roku. Sklepienie nawy w kościele zostało pokryte wachlarzami. Wnętrze kościoła jest uważane za najlepsze tego typu w całej Ameryce. Inspiracją była kaplica króla Henryka VII w Westminster Abbey.