Thursday, April 30, 2015

Wildflowers - Eva Russell Chandler Heritage Preserve in South Carolina

Wildflowers in South Carolina:

Wildflowers - Ashmore Heritage Preserve in South Carolina

Ashmore Heritage Preserve/Wildlife Management Area in South Carolina features a natural habitat for plants and other species. In additional to the flora in this preserve there are three animals specially protected - among them is Rafinesque's big-eared bat. 
This bat is one of the least known bats in the eastern United States.
This 16-feet tall concrete bat roosts are designed to help the local bats in Ashmore Heritage Preserve

Rezerwat Ashmore w Południowej Karolinie jest naturalnym środowiskiem dla wielu gatunków roslin. W tym miejscu także wystepują trzy gatunki zwierząt specjalnie chronionych, wśród nich nietoperz gacek, ktróy nie jest znany we wschodniej części Stanów Zjednoczonych.
Specjalne schronienie zostalo zainstalowane dla tych nietoperzy w Rezerwat Ashmore.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Monday, April 27, 2015

Wildflowers - Pisgah Ridge trail

A lot of trout lilies were blooming especially in the third part of the trail, starting from John's Rock Overlook. On the same trail, on the first part (starting from Block Balsam Rd)
there should be a lot of Painted Trillium May 18th or around.