Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Churches in New Bern, North Carolina

Centenary United Methodist Church it is a historic Methodist church in New Bern. It was  built in 1904 in combines Romanesque and Chateauesque styles.

Beautiful stained glass windows in the Centenary Methodist church


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 First Baptist Church in New Bern was organized in 1809. The building in Gothic Revival style was completed in 1848. The red brick walls are 18 inches thick.

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St.Paul's Roman Catholic Church - the oldest Roman Catholic church in North Carolina was founded in 1824.

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First Presbyterian Church in New Bern  was organized in 1817.
Built in 1819-1821. It is the oldest Presbyterian church in North Carolina.
This church is one of the most beautiful churches of the city.
 Its tower rises in four diminishing stages.

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The First Christ Episcopal Church was built about 1750. The original church served the parish for about 74 years. The present church was rebuilt in 1871-85, after the fire destroyed the original church.


In 1752, the King Charles II of England gifted the Christ Episcopal Church parish with a Silver Communion set, the "Vinegar Bible" printed in 1717 and a 1752 Book of Common Prayer.
"Vinegar Bible", from 1717: J. Baskett, Clarendon Press: The Chapter heading for Luke 20 reads "The Parable of the Vinegar" instead of "The Parable of the Vineyard." (from Wikipedia).

Polonica: the nephew of the King Charles II married Maria Clementina Sobieska, the granddaughter of the Polish King Jan III Sobieski.

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W 1752 król Anglii Karol II podarował parafii srebrny komplet do komunii, 
"Octową Biblię" wydrukowaną w 1717 roku i Book of Common Prayer z 1752 roku.
Wyjaśnienie nazwy "Octowa Biblia" - w tym wydaniu znaleziono błąd drukarski: zamiast Vineyard (winnica) jest  Vinegar (ocet).
Powinno byćThe Parable of the Vineyard - Przypowieśc o winnicy  (zródło Wikipedia).
Polonica: bratanek króla anielskiego Karola II ożenił się z Marią Klementyną Sobieską, wnuczką króla polskiego, Jana III Sobieskiego.

Churchyard of Christ Church